Scientia have partnered with Edanz to help you prepare your article for publication

Special Offer: 10% discount on all services offered on this page.  Use code: SCIENTIA-10 

Review article concept development

Based on your initial idea, we develop a 1500 word article concept. We review the literature and identify themes and topics that journal editors will be interested in. We’ll recommmend the journals to contact for pre-submission inquiries.

  • Get known in your field with insighful and timely Review articles
  • Influence the direction of your field
  • Be fully prepared to approach journals with your ideas.

Turnaround time

10 Days



Review article development

Based on your article concept, we will develop a full review article (4-5000 words). Following your guidance, we develop an outline of the manuscript and get your feedback and input. Once the structure is agreed, we develop the full draft. Projects go through 2 outline stages and 2-3 draft before being ready for submission.

Important! Edanz does not engage in ghost writing. Our processes follow industry standard guidelines on medical writing (GPP3). Our services must be accurately acknowledged. Authors must lead the content development process.

  • Get known in your field with insighful and timely Review articles
  • Preparation of a manuscript in as little as 6 weeks
  • Compliant with industry and publisher guidelines
  • Excellent writing by experienced medical writers
  • Ideal for SCI(E) journals

Turnaround time

25 Days



“Rapid Commentary” manuscript development

We will develop a 1000 word commentary article based on your ideas that presents and discusses key developments in your field.

Important! Edanz does not engage in ghost writing. Our processes follow industry standard guidelines on medical writing (GPP3). Our services must be accurately acknowledged. Authors must lead the content development process.


  • Get known in your field with insightful articles
  • Timely content
  • Quick development
  • Submission ready

Turnaround time

8 Days



Original article manuscript development

We develop an Original Article manuscript (3500-4000 words) ready for submission to an SCI journal based on your research data. Following your guidance, we develop an outline of the manuscript and get your feedback and input. Once the structure is agree, we develop the full draft. Projects go through 2 outline stages and 2-3 draft before being ready for submission.

Important! Edanz does not engage in ghost writing. Our processes follow industry standard guidelines on medical writing (GPP3). Our services must be accurately acknowledged. Authors must lead the content development process.


  • Preparation of a manuscript in as little as 6 weeks
  • Compliant with industry and publisher guidelines
  • Excellent writing by experienced medical writers
  • Ideal for SCI(E) journals

Turnaround time

25 Days



Scientia have partnered with Edanz to help you prepare your article for publication

Special Offer: 10% discount on all services offered on this page.  Use code: SCIENTIA-10