Scientific Strategies for People and Planet

This latest issue of Scientia showcases the researchers making innovative advances in improving the health and well-being of people across the globe, as well as those dedicated to ensuring the health and sustainability of our planet. Research underpins scientific progress, whether in the very early exploratory stages or the final culmination of decades of endeavour. This progress is critical to strategies geared towards creating a more positive and greener planet for our future generations.

Our first section unveils advances in the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences and Education & Training. We can read about recent initiatives in promoting social justice in applied linguistics research, and the importance of championing human rights for Afrodescendants in Latin America. We also find out about the experiences of students who completed their university studies during the COVID-19 pandemic without ever setting foot on campus.

We then turn to Business, Economics & Finance and Engineering & Computer Science. This fascinating section provides insights into the implications of Chinese foreign investment in US shale gas, and the complexities inherent to decision-making about living in disaster-prone areas, given that the advantages often outweigh the considerable risks. As research and technology advance, there is an increasing need to effectively bridge the gap between complex data acquisition needs and user-friendly solutions. Fortunately, open-source software is now available to achieve that exact goal.

In Earth & Environmental Sciences we are thrilled to feature exciting developments in mapping the Galaxy’s populations of stars. We also discover what sea anemones can tell us about adaptation to rapidly changing environments – such as climate change – and how sustainable forest management can help mitigate the effects of climate change. We conclude this section with critical insights into the knowledge and strategies needed to navigate the complex challenges that climate change presents.

Our fourth section focuses on advances in Medical & Health Sciences. Sadly, cancer remains an urgent global challenge. From confronting a rare and deadly form of cancer in children, improving treatment for blood cancers, and developing a mathematical model to help treat the disease, our featured articles remind us of the tremendous efforts underway to meet this challenge. We can also read about fascinating discoveries in stem cell research and groundbreaking research pointing to a vital link between diet, soil health, and human longevity. What happens if you get bitten by a tick? We share a riveting account in which the researcher is also the subject under study.

Finally, Spotlight on SciComm Corner is a new section highlighting recent and interesting posts from Scientia’s webpages dedicated to science communication advice and opinions ( Posts are brought to you by the Scientia team and invited guest bloggers. In this issue, we share Luke Tyler’s reflections on how an ancient Greek philosopher and a Swedish YouTuber defined the need for academic outreach.


Published in the UK, by Science Diffusion ltd ISSN 2059-898X (online)




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Meet The Team…

Nick Bagnall

Dr Catherine Deeprose

Mimi Jones


Thomas Anderson

John Didsbury

Anoushka Jones

Mike Taylor

Luke Tyler


Cesare Ardito, PhD
Sara Ciucci, MA, LLM
Sarah Drury, PhD
Adriana Furlotti, MPhil
Laura Hemmingham, MSc
Charlotte Phillips, PhD
Luisa Postlethwaite, MPharm