Life Sciences & Biology

Dr Matthew Boisen – Understanding Lassa Virus

For many years, Dr Matthew Boisen, Director of Diagnostics Development at Zalgen Labs, has focussed on trying to understand Lassa fever. Part of the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium, his group’s objectives are threefold: first, to develop fast and accurate diagnostics for Lassa fever; second, to design new therapeutic approaches; and third, to create an effective vaccine providing long-term protection against this condition.

Professor Jeansok Kim – Understanding Fear in Animals

Professor Jeansok Kim – Understanding Fear in Animals

Research into animal fear typically utilises laboratory techniques based on Pavlovian fear conditioning, but these approaches are limited. Professor Jeansok Kim, from the Department of Psychology, University of Washington (USA) has developed a much more realistic way to study fear that closely mimics risky conditions in the wild. New discoveries by Professor Kim and his team are challenging existing paradigms and providing exciting insights into the underlying brain mechanisms of fear in both animals and humans.

Professor Mark D’Esposito – Everyday Miracles: Unravelling the Mysteries of Working Memory

Professor Mark D’Esposito – Everyday Miracles: Unravelling the Mysteries of Working Memory

To accomplish even a simple goal, our brain must coordinate thousands of pieces of information, remember which parts are relevant, and ignore anything that is extraneous. Dr Mark D’Esposito of the University of California, Berkeley, studies how different parts of the brain work together to create working memory, the cognitive system that temporarily and actively holds information in mind allowing us to complete complex tasks.

Professor Mark D’Esposito – Leveraging New Technologies to Treat Brain Injury

Professor Mark D’Esposito – Leveraging New Technologies to Treat Brain Injury

The brain is the most mysterious organ in the human body – despite decades of research, we have just begun to scratch the surface in understanding how the brain works and how we can help it to heal following an injury. Professor Mark D’Esposito of the University of California, Berkeley, uses advanced imaging technology to illuminate how the connections in our brain function in order to find new ways to aid brain healing after injury.

Dr Mary Logan | Dr Sean Speese – Protecting the Brain

Dr Mary Logan | Dr Sean Speese – Protecting the Brain

Our nervous system has such an important function in our body that neurons have their own bodyguards. Known as glial cells, they protect brain cells against injury and prevent damage. Dr Mary Logan and Dr Sean Speese, both based at the Jungers Center for Neuroscience...

PPM: Tailoring Cannabis to Create Medicine for the Masses

PPM: Tailoring Cannabis to Create Medicine for the Masses

  Cannabis is a plant that remains largely stigmatised, along with people who consume or condone it. However, Dr Andrea Holmes and her colleagues at Precision Plant Molecules are revealing the numerous hidden benefits of cannabis, when processed with precision....

Dr Lei Cao – The Impact of Our Environment on Our Well-being

Dr Lei Cao – The Impact of Our Environment on Our Well-being

The human body is a bewildering set of interacting systems, a complex web of signals and pathways which are constantly adjusting to the conditions which we find ourselves in. Ground-breaking research by Dr Lei Cao, of Ohio State University, USA, is providing new...

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation promotes academic cooperation between excellent scientists and scholars from abroad and from Germany. To this end, it grants more than 700 research fellowships and research awards annually. These allow researchers from all over...

Worldwide Cancer Research

Worldwide Cancer Research

Worldwide Cancer Research is a UK-based charity, founded in 1979. It funds research into all types of cancer across the globe, specifically focusing on early-stage basic laboratory science aiming to provide the seeds of discovery which may ultimately lead to...

Dr Jerry Silver – Spinal Cord Damage and Emerging Treatments

Dr Jerry Silver – Spinal Cord Damage and Emerging Treatments

Injuries to the spinal cord can cause permanent paralysis and even lead to death, with little to no hope of regaining lost functions once the trauma has occurred. Dr Jerry Silver and his team at Case Western Reserve University Medical School, USA, have been working to...

Professor Yubin Zhou – Let There Be Light!

Professor Yubin Zhou – Let There Be Light!

Professor Yubin Zhou, from the Center for Translational Cancer Research at the Texas A&M University Institute of Biosciences & Technology, USA, is developing ways to use light to control cellular function. The researcher and his team are responsible for a...

Calder Biosciences: Engineering Solutions for Improved Vaccines

Calder Biosciences: Engineering Solutions for Improved Vaccines

Designing better vaccines is the end goal for Calder Biosciences Inc., a company that has found a new way to engineer vaccines, ensuring greater stability, prolonging their duration in the body and thereby enhancing protection. Using a natural chemical reaction known...

Dr Zhihua Jiang – RNA and the Key to the Diversity of Life

Dr Zhihua Jiang – RNA and the Key to the Diversity of Life

Over 90% of a mammalian genome is transcribed into RNA molecules, including both protein-coding and non-coding transcripts. Genes often produce one or more expressed isoforms. Dr Zhihua Jiang at Washington State University has developed novel next-generation...

Dr Charles Wray – Teaching the Genome Generation

Dr Charles Wray – Teaching the Genome Generation

Since the release of the first human genome, our understanding of genetics has grown significantly. However, keeping up with developments in the field can be overwhelming for students, and even teachers. Dr Charles Wray of The Jackson Laboratory has created a unique...

Professor Tony Moore – An Enzyme for the Future

Professor Tony Moore – An Enzyme for the Future

Professor Tony Moore and his team at the University of Sussex are investigating the alternative oxidase. This enzyme provides an alternative route for molecular oxygen in the pathways of energy production that are often considered to be wasteful of energy but hold the...

Professor Charles Carter – The Evolution of Genetic Coding

Professor Charles Carter – The Evolution of Genetic Coding

The research of Professor Charles Carter, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA, unravels some of the biggest mysteries of molecular evolution. His research is dedicated to investigating how information flows from genes to proteins found in living organisms...

Orange Innovation: Creating Citrus Disease Resistance

Orange Innovation: Creating Citrus Disease Resistance

Florida’s citrus industry is under threat from Huanglongbing (HLB, or citrus greening disease), a devastating plant disease. A collaboration between the University of Florida and the University of Connecticut aims to develop resistance to HLB in citrus plants, using...