Earth, Environmental & Agricultural Sciences

Dr L Donald Duke | Riding the Storm: How Nature-Based Solutions Can Help Tackle Flooding in Southwest Florida

Dr L Donald Duke | Riding the Storm: How Nature-Based Solutions Can Help Tackle Flooding in Southwest Florida

Florida grapples with mounting challenges related to inland flooding due to heavy precipitation, along with coastal flooding from rising sea levels and coastal storms. One important approach to address precipitation-originating flooding is to embrace land use practices runoff management in the upstream portions of at-risk watersheds, where sustainable design can relieve the pressures on drainage systems from continuing dense urban development in the low-lying Florida landscape. Dr L Donald Duke, from The Water School at Florida Gulf Coast University, plays a pivotal role in this endeavour. His work encompasses creating and evaluating flood-resilient land use practices and planning to manage stormwater runoff on the watershed scale.

Improving Food Safety of Hydroponic Leafy Greens

Improving Food Safety of Hydroponic Leafy Greens

Hydroponic farming is experiencing rapid growth worldwide, offering a sustainable and efficient method of producing fresh, nutrient-rich crops. However, the unique conditions of hydroponic systems also present complex food safety challenges. Dr Sanja Ilic and Dr Melanie Lewis Ivey, researchers at The Ohio State University, are at the forefront of efforts to understand and mitigate the risks of human pathogen contamination in commercial hydroponic production. Their pioneering work is providing crucial insights and practical guidance to help ensure the safety and nutritional value of hydroponically grown leafy greens.

Dr Yasjka Meijer | Monitoring Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Space: The Copernicus CO2M Mission

Dr Yasjka Meijer | Monitoring Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Space: The Copernicus CO2M Mission

Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) have been steadily rising due to human activities, contributing to global climate change. Dr Yasjka Meijer from the European Space Agency is responsible for the objectives and requirements of the Copernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Monitoring (CO2M) mission – a constellation of satellites that will enable the monitoring of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions from space with unprecedented accuracy and detail. This groundbreaking mission aims to support international efforts to reduce emissions and combat climate change.

Renewable Fuel for a Generation of Green Batteries

Renewable Fuel for a Generation of Green Batteries

Revolutionizing energy production has been integral to combatting climate change and reducing our dependence on limited natural resources, but complementary advances in energy storage have been lacking. Dr Thomas Guarr and Dr David Hickey from Michigan State University lead their team in investigating a counterintuitive molecular mechanism which could support a wave of green, renewable, and cheap batteries. If practical, this technology might be the crucial leap towards an entirely green energy system.

RK Pete Wade | Seeing the Wood for the Trees – A Better Way to Measure Forest Density

RK Pete Wade | Seeing the Wood for the Trees – A Better Way to Measure Forest Density

In the world of forestry, understanding how densely packed trees are in a given area is crucial for effective forest management. However, traditional methods for measuring this ‘stand density’ have limitations. Now, a new approach developed by an independent researcher offers a more nuanced and accurate way to assess forest density across different species and environments.

Dr Peter Gent | Climate ‘Normals’ Are Anything But Normal In Weather Forecasting

Dr Peter Gent | Climate ‘Normals’ Are Anything But Normal In Weather Forecasting

Weather forecasters and meteorologists have long used the term ‘climate normal’ to describe average temperatures, but this seemingly innocuous phrase might be causing widespread public misunderstanding. New research suggests that describing temperature data as ‘normal’ leads many people to incorrectly assume these values represent the most common or expected temperatures when, in reality, actual temperatures regularly deviate significantly from these averages.

Dr Yassine Ait Brahim | When the Sahara Grew Green: Constraining the ‘Green Sahara’ Across Time and Space

Dr Yassine Ait Brahim | When the Sahara Grew Green: Constraining the ‘Green Sahara’ Across Time and Space

Understanding the dynamics of Earth’s ancient climate is an important avenue of research. By examining past climate variability, we can improve our understanding of natural climate cycles and factors influencing current climate change. Dr Yassine Ait Brahim of the University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P) in Morocco worked with colleagues to analyse isotopic data recovered from cave mineral deposits in Northwest Africa. This exciting research is focused on the precipitation history of the Sahara Desert, which, perhaps astonishingly, had periods of vegetation cover and mega-lakes.

Dr Festus O Amadu | The Forests of Liberia: A Pathway to Poverty Alleviation and Food Security

Dr Festus O Amadu | The Forests of Liberia: A Pathway to Poverty Alleviation and Food Security

In Liberia, half of the population lives within 2.5 kms of a forest. Many households rely on these delicate ecosystems to support themselves. A recent study by Dr Festus O Amadu at Florida Gulf Coast University and Dr Daniel Miller at the University of Notre Dame sees sustainable forest management as a positive force in improving livelihoods and environmental outcomes in Liberia. The authors have produced a landmark national analysis of how participation in the ‘forest sector’ impacts Liberian households – providing policymakers with the evidence they need to prioritise development programmes.

Dr Siddharth Narayan | Wetlands Versus Coastal Development: Effects on Flood Damage

Dr Siddharth Narayan | Wetlands Versus Coastal Development: Effects on Flood Damage

Hurricane storm surges pose serious damage risks to the United States’ coastlines. Tidal wetlands protect communities by acting as barriers, reducing the effects of these surges. However, simultaneous coastal development and wetland loss can lead to increased damage during storm surges. Using the 2008 Hurricane Ike as a case study, Dr Siddharth Narayan from East Carolina University and colleagues demonstrated the costly impact that continued coastal development and increased real estate value have on the damages caused during storm surges, as well as the important but locally variable role that existing wetlands play in reducing these impacts.

Dr Allison E Goodwell – Professor Praveen Kumar | Complex Connections: How Information Flow Networks Can Quantify Ecohydrological Interactions

Dr Allison E Goodwell – Professor Praveen Kumar | Complex Connections: How Information Flow Networks Can Quantify Ecohydrological Interactions

Ecohydrological systems comprised of soil, water and vegetation are intricately connected, and changes in one component can trigger feedback mechanisms throughout the network. Understanding how these complex interactions occur and propagate is challenging. To address this, Dr Allison Goodwell and Professor Praveen Kumar from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign have characterised information flow — a mathematical concept initially developed for communication systems — to better quantify and understand these interactions. Their research offers new insights into ecosystem responses, evolving precipitation patterns, and ecohydrological models, advancing our understanding of environmental dynamics.

Dr Marta Berrocal-Lobo | Unlocking the Potential of Essential Oils: Illuminating Epigenetic Effects on Plant Defense Mechanisms

Dr Marta Berrocal-Lobo | Unlocking the Potential of Essential Oils: Illuminating Epigenetic Effects on Plant Defense Mechanisms

Essential oils (EO) are potent in enhancing plant stress responses and mitigating seed-borne diseases, particularly in high-value crops such as tomatoes. While their direct impacts are recognised, the indirect influences on plant growth, metabolism, and immune responses against phytopathogens remain uncertain. Dr Marta Berrocal-Lobo, an esteemed Associate Professor and researcher at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, in collaboration with the Group of Biopesticides led by Dr Azucena Gonzalez-Coloma, is unravelling the transcriptomic and metabolic responses of tomato seeds treated with an antifungal EO against the pathogen Fusarium oxysporum sp. Their findings pave the way for harnessing EO in sustainable agriculture.

Dr Yusuke Mori | Changing Demands and the Optimisation of Processes in Japan’s Energy Landscape

Dr Yusuke Mori | Changing Demands and the Optimisation of Processes in Japan’s Energy Landscape

The Snake River in the northwestern United States was once home to abundant populations of Chinook salmon. However, the building of hydropower dams has led to a dramatic drop in their numbers and puzzling changes in their migratory behaviour. Dr Charles Coutant and other biologists in the region embarked on a mission to uncover exactly how these dams are interfering with the crucial downstream journey of young Chinook salmon. His creative approach, drawing on knowledge from many different fields, has revealed a hidden culprit that may be throwing these fish off course.

Dr Charles Coutant | Dams, Disruption, and the Plight of the Chinook Salmon: Unravelling the Mystery of Delayed Migration

Dr Charles Coutant | Dams, Disruption, and the Plight of the Chinook Salmon: Unravelling the Mystery of Delayed Migration

The Snake River in the northwestern United States was once home to abundant populations of Chinook salmon. However, the building of hydropower dams has led to a dramatic drop in their numbers and puzzling changes in their migratory behaviour. Dr Charles Coutant and other biologists in the region embarked on a mission to uncover exactly how these dams are interfering with the crucial downstream journey of young Chinook salmon. His creative approach, drawing on knowledge from many different fields, has revealed a hidden culprit that may be throwing these fish off course.

Prof. Dr. Michelle van Vliet | Invisible Water Crisis: Water Scarcity is Affected by Complex Interactions of Water Quality and Sectoral Use

Prof. Dr. Michelle van Vliet | Invisible Water Crisis: Water Scarcity is Affected by Complex Interactions of Water Quality and Sectoral Use

Sufficient water of good quality is vital for humankind and nature. A growing global population increases the demand for water of suitable quality. In addition, climate change and increases in extreme weather events, such as droughts and heatwaves, directly affect the availability, quality, and use of water. These three factors – availability, quality, and use – interact in complex ways. Prof. Dr. Michelle van Vliet at Utrecht University is pioneering our understanding of the drivers of clean water scarcity under global change and proposing solutions to this. With her team, she focuses on the challenge of ensuring sufficient water of suitable quality to meet human demands and ensuring healthy ecosystems in our changing world.

Dr Jennifer Brandon – Dr Christopher Verlinden | A New Approach for Detecting Oceanic Microplastics in Real Time

Dr Jennifer Brandon – Dr Christopher Verlinden | A New Approach for Detecting Oceanic Microplastics in Real Time

Microplastics are tiny pollutants threatening our oceans and marine life. Current approaches to detect them are time-consuming and expensive. Oceanographers Dr Jennifer Brandon and Dr Christopher Verlinden from Applied Ocean Sciences (AOS) in the USA have developed a game-changing sensor that can swiftly detect and analyse microplastics, cutting through the existing time and cost barriers.

Dr Kenneth Poeppelmeier | Treasuring Trash: Chemical Advances in Upcycling Single-Use Plastics

Dr Kenneth Poeppelmeier | Treasuring Trash: Chemical Advances in Upcycling Single-Use Plastics

The proliferation of single-use plastics, particularly polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP), presents a significant environmental challenge. Of the 300-400 million tons of plastic produced annually, up to 80% is discarded, often ending up in landfills or polluting our oceans. This not only creates severe environmental hazards but also represents a massive waste of chemical energy, equivalent to approximately 3.5 billion barrels of oil yearly. In response to this challenge, Dr Kenneth Poeppelmeier of Northwestern University and his team are pioneering an innovative approach to upcycle these plastics using catalytic hydrogenolysis.

Dr Keith Walters | Rebuilding Oyster Reefs with Recycled Shells for Prey Protection

Dr Keith Walters | Rebuilding Oyster Reefs with Recycled Shells for Prey Protection

The worldwide loss of coastal oyster reefs negatively affects many organisms that rely on reefs for refuge from predators. Dr Keith Walters and his team at Coastal Carolina University created a series of reefs along the northern South Carolina shoreline using recycled oyster shells from local restaurants. Their investigations of differences in physical characteristics and predator-prey dynamics on newly created and existing natural reefs document that within a year, reef restoration provided a functional habitat for reef-reliant species, quickly reestablishing a key oyster reef ecosystem service.

The National Animal Nutrition Program | Environmental Impact of Food Animal Production

The National Animal Nutrition Program | Environmental Impact of Food Animal Production

Animal food products are a vital component of the global diet, and the question of how to sustainably provide meat, milk, eggs, and fibre to an increasing world population has become a hot topic. Animal agriculture can impact the environment through pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and the intensive use of resources such as energy and water. The National Animal Nutrition Program (NANP) Summit Committee gathered experts to share advancements in the sustainable farming of various animals used in food production and to explore the impact of climate change and the sustainability of animal agriculture.

The National Animal Nutrition Program | Advancing Sustainability in Animal Agriculture

The National Animal Nutrition Program | Advancing Sustainability in Animal Agriculture

Meat and dairy provide nutrients and proteins necessary for our survival, and remain key food sources in a rapidly growing global population. The National Animal Nutrition Program Summit Committee gathered global experts to share advancements in animal nutrition and sustainable farming to explore a range of topics related to sustainable agriculture, including emissions, feed sustainability, the nutritional benefits of animal products, laboratory-grown meat, and food security.

Dr William Robertson | On-site Septic Systems: The Sustainable Removal of Excess Nutrients

Dr William Robertson | On-site Septic Systems: The Sustainable Removal of Excess Nutrients

Sewage is usually treated in large, centralised facilities or local on-site septic systems. The latter can involve lower costs and energy requirements, although we must ensure that on-site options such as septic systems do not negatively impact the surrounding ecosystem. Dr William Robertson from the University of Waterloo, Canada, investigates the removal of polluting nutrients from wastewater before it is released into the environment. He has shown that a conventional septic system can provide long-term and sustainable contaminant removal from wastewater.

Dr Jenny Hand | Seasonal Particulate Matter Patterns Identify Emission Sources

Dr Jenny Hand | Seasonal Particulate Matter Patterns Identify Emission Sources

Particulate matter in the atmosphere affects air quality, which can impact visibility, our health, and the climate. Since amendments to the 1990 Clean Air Act in the United States, decreases in particulates derived from anthropogenic emissions have been achieved. Dr Jenny Hand from the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere has utilised a monitoring network across the United States to define seasonal and regional trends in atmospheric particulate matter from 2000 through 2021, identify their sources, and critically, make recommendations for future target emission reductions.

Dr Regina Katsman | Surface Wave Effects on Methane Gas Bubble Escape

Dr Regina Katsman | Surface Wave Effects on Methane Gas Bubble Escape

Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that traps the sun’s heat. It can be added to the atmosphere when gas bubbles escape aquatic sediments and rise through an overlying water column. The controls on gas bubble escape and ascent are not fully understood and require further investigation. Dr Regina Katsman from the University of Haifa has conducted numerical modelling investigating the effects of varying water body conditions on the patterns of ascent of methane gas bubbles.

Stephen O’Byrne | Why Academic Research Has Done Little to Solve the Problems of Executive Pay

Stephen O’Byrne | Why Academic Research Has Done Little to Solve the Problems of Executive Pay

Competitive target pay is a basic principle of modern executive pay, embraced by corporate directors, compensation consultants and proxy advisors. Providing a high percent of pay in stock (or other incentive pay) is a second basic principle of modern executive pay. But when companies follow both of these principles, the result is a low correlation of cumulative pay and cumulative performance; in other words, little pay for performance. The fundamental problem is that translating target dollar pay into shares without adjusting for performance creates a systematic ‘performance penalty’. Poor performance – a declining stock price – is rewarded with more shares to provide target dollar pay, while good performance – a rising stock price – is penalised with a reduction in shares to keep from exceeding target dollar pay.

Nigel Jenner | Enhancing Apple Orchard Resilience

Nigel Jenner | Enhancing Apple Orchard Resilience

Climate change is making extreme weather more frequent in the UK, creating challenging conditions for farmers. Mr Nigel Jenner is Chief Technical Advisor at Avalon Fresh Limited and has a long history of advising farmers on how to get the best from their crops. He is leading a project to explore how novel microbial treatments can increase resilience in apple crops in an effort to reduce the substantial losses faced by the apple growers in Kent and Medway in the UK.

Dr Robert Larkin | Cultivating Change to Improve Soil Health and Increase Potato Yield

Dr Robert Larkin | Cultivating Change to Improve Soil Health and Increase Potato Yield

Environmental quality and food production are facing the pressing challenges of climate change and global population growth. Dr Robert Larkin from the United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) and a team of plant scientists developed and tested a range of crop management systems to help overcome these compounding challenges. Their work is improving soil health and increasing the yield of potato crops, contributing to the future food security of nations.

Dr Arne Stensvand | Thermotherapy: Effective Disease and Pest Management Without Chemicals

Dr Arne Stensvand | Thermotherapy: Effective Disease and Pest Management Without Chemicals

Dr Arne Stensvand and his team at the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research are developing physical methods of pest reduction in plants. The team is specifically interested in strawberry plants, for which pest management is vital for crop success. They are pioneering thermotherapy as a heat treatment method to provide an environmentally effective and economically sound non-chemical approach to pest management.

Dr. Daniel Canfield | Reprioritising Pollution Reduction in Florida’s Lakes

Dr. Daniel Canfield | Reprioritising Pollution Reduction in Florida’s Lakes

Florida’s landscape is dotted with thousands of lakes that reflect regional geology, topography and anthropogenic activities. Phosphorus and nitrogen are critical nutrients for maintaining the wide range of biological production expressed across Florida, but excessive inputs of these nutrients due to past human activities impair many waters. There has been a long history of work aiming to address associated water quality pressures, and Dr. Daniel Canfield at the University of Florida has been at the centre of these efforts for over 40 years. Now, with the correction of point-source nutrient inputs, Dr. Canfield proposes that holistic lake management, including the integration of in-lake management strategies with a focus on organic sediment removal, should be much more prominent on the US government’s agenda to provide faster restoration of stakeholders’ lake usability.

Dr Jon Tore Lieng | Dynamically Installed Anchors for Floating Offshore Turbines

Dr Jon Tore Lieng | Dynamically Installed Anchors for Floating Offshore Turbines

Effectively harnessing offshore wind presents a valuable opportunity to increase energy supplies. Floating wind turbines present several advantages over traditional fixed turbines in more shallow waters. Dr Jon Tore Lieng from Deep Sea Anchors and colleagues have developed a type of dynamically installed anchor to hold the structures in place while reducing both the costs and complexity associated with installation where cohesive seabed sediments are realised.

Dr Lifei Wang | Can Species Distribution Models Inform Us About Future Ecosystems?

Dr Lifei Wang | Can Species Distribution Models Inform Us About Future Ecosystems?

The world is buzzing with news about how human activities and climate shifts are reshaping our ecosystems. Have you ever wondered how life will adapt to this rapidly changing world? Ecologists might be able to predict how different species will live in future using computer simulations. Dr Lifei Wang at the University of Toronto Scarborough investigates how different stimulations work under varying conditions to provide new insights into what may lie ahead.

Dr Timothy Beers | Mapping the Galaxy’s Stellar Populations Using Large Photometric and Astrometric Surveys

Dr Timothy Beers | Mapping the Galaxy’s Stellar Populations Using Large Photometric and Astrometric Surveys

Astronomers often use spectroscopic (electromagnetic radiation) data and astrometric (motion and positional) data to develop working models describing our Galaxy. Dr Timothy Beers from the University of Notre Dame and his collaborators in Korea and China combined large photometric (visible light) surveys and astrometric data to create multidimensional maps of a large part of the Galaxy. By highlighting significant inhomogeneities in stellar-chemical compositions, motions, and spatial distributions, Dr Beers and his colleagues provide valuable insights into how we can advance our understanding of the formation and evolution of our Galaxy.

Professor Gary Yohe | Navigating Climate Change: The Impactful Contributions of Gary Yohe

Professor Gary Yohe | Navigating Climate Change: The Impactful Contributions of Gary Yohe

Professor Gary Yohe is a distinguished environmental economist whose work has been pivotal in shaping our understanding of climate change impacts, adaptation strategies, and policy frameworks. His interdisciplinary approach combines economics with environmental science, offering nuanced insights into global warming and its multifaceted impacts on natural and human systems. Professor Yohe equips us with the knowledge and strategies needed to navigate the complex and pressing challenges posed by climate change.

Dr Sebastian Fraune | Microbiota: Fast-tracking Adaptation to Rapidly Changing Environments

Dr Sebastian Fraune | Microbiota: Fast-tracking Adaptation to Rapidly Changing Environments

As climate change continues at an unprecedented pace, the processes of natural selection and genetic mutation can no longer fully explain how some organisms adapt to their rapidly changing environments. Dr Sebastian Fraune from Heinrich-Heine University and an international team of researchers are the first to demonstrate a causal relationship between changes in the microbiome and changes in thermal tolerance. They propose that microbiota-mediated transgenerational acclimatisation can account for how animals adapt to their environments in much shorter periods of time than classical theory would predict.