Medical & Health Sciences

The STEM Education Coalition

The STEM Education Coalition

The STEM Education Coalition was founded more than 15 years ago with a mission to raise awareness in the U.S. Congress, the administration, and on the state level about the critical role that STEM education plays in enabling the U.S. to remain the economic and...

Professor Mary Galea – Playing for Recovery

Professor Mary Galea – Playing for Recovery

Improving recovery after nervous system injury has been Professor Mary Galea’s lifelong goal. Harnessing the power of video games, Professor Galea and her team at the University of Melbourne have developed the ‘Hand Hub’ to significantly enhance upper limb...

Professor Dale Tang – Unravelling the Mystery of Chronic Asthma

Professor Dale Tang – Unravelling the Mystery of Chronic Asthma

Understanding the underlying processes that contribute to the progression of asthma is essential to improve our limited knowledge of the disease, and to assist in the generation of novel therapies. Professor Dale Tang and his team in the Department of Molecular and...

Professor Robert Fairman – Twists and Turns in Protein Assembly

Professor Robert Fairman – Twists and Turns in Protein Assembly

In nerve cells, the accumulation of protein into bundles of insoluble fibres is the underlying cause of a number of neurodegenerative diseases. Professor Robert Fairman and his team at Haverford College are developing cutting edge techniques to unravel this process....

The American Society for Cell Biology

The American Society for Cell Biology

Founded over half a century ago, the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) is an inclusive, international community of biologists studying the cell – the fundamental unit of all life on Earth. The Society aims to advance scientific discovery, advocate sound...

Spirometry 360:  Asthma Management  Gets an Upgrade

Spirometry 360: Asthma Management Gets an Upgrade

Dr Jim Stout and his multidisciplinary team at the University of Washington are on a mission to improve asthma care. Through novel training schemes, quality improvement methods and research into health disparities, these researchers are determined to reduce...

DIGS-BB: Setting the Standard for Modern PhD Training

DIGS-BB: Setting the Standard for Modern PhD Training

Over the past decade, the Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering (DIGS-BB) has risen to the forefront of PhD student training. The program combines cutting edge research projects with innovative mentoring strategies to train...

Professor William F. Marzluff – Histones: Tailless mRNAs

Professor William F. Marzluff – Histones: Tailless mRNAs

  Professor William F. Marzluff and his colleagues at the University of North Carolina study the regulation of gene activity in animal cells. Specifically, they are interested in the regulation of gene expression during the cell cycle by postranscriptional...

Dr Philipp Scherer – Adiponectin: The Body’s Fat Controller

Dr Philipp Scherer – Adiponectin: The Body’s Fat Controller

  Dr Philipp Scherer’s lab has been studying the role of fat cells in our metabolism. Over the past 20 years he has helped to explain how not all fat is created equal, and that the signals it produces influence the health of every other part of the body. Fat...

Dr David Marcinek – Guiding Ageing Research into Maturity

Dr David Marcinek – Guiding Ageing Research into Maturity

Old age is a bigger part of life today than ever before, yet our ability to tackle age-related diseases is lagging behind our extraordinary leaps in lifespan. One of the many dedicated researchers delving into the ageing process is Dr David Marcinek, who is bringing...

Trees for Cities:  Boosting Public Health

Trees for Cities: Boosting Public Health

Trees for Cities – Scientia’s charity partner – has been working on an international scale to create greener cities, engaging over 70,000 people to plant almost 700,000 trees to date. Here, we have had the pleasure of speaking with Kate Sheldon, Development Director...

Dr Mario Noti – Do Modern Lifestyles Cause Food Allergies?

Dr Mario Noti – Do Modern Lifestyles Cause Food Allergies?

  Over the last 30 years, there has been an explosion in the prevalence of food allergies in the Western world. What’s going on and what are the culprits for this epidemic? While genetics may not be blamed for the rapid increase in food allergies over such a...

Fighting Towards a Cure for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL)

Fighting Towards a Cure for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL)

By developing cutting-edge research projects to improve care and treatment options for individuals with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL), the CLL Research Cluster at CancerCare Manitoba and the University of Manitoba is leading the charge in the fight against this...

Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Honor Society

Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Honor Society

Founded in 1886 at Cornell University, Sigma Xi is an international community of scientists and engineers dedicated to promoting excellence in research, enhancing public engagement with science, and fostering the next generation of researchers. Here, we have had the...