Dissemination and Audience
To help maximise dissemination efforts beyond our own reach, we ensure that each group we work with has the copyright and authorship of their article for unlimited and unrestricted use outside of our publication. We provide high- and low-resolution PDFs so that each group has the ability to host the article on a webpage, use as an email newsletter or print locally for posters, dissemination brochures and teaching material for the classroom, workshops or conferences.
A Scientia article can act as an introduction to your studies, so we reference any original papers used as the basis of the article so that interested parties can learn more. See an example article here.
We assign a DOI to each article, and authorship is given to the profiled researcher of each article, for ease of referencing and searching. This allows the article’s impact to extend well beyond our own communication channels and reach.
All articles are published in our publication and are also available individually in our digital repository library on scientia.global. They can be read, downloaded, and shared by any visitor to the site at no cost.
Scientia’s article pages are optimised to perform well in organic search results. Many readers still rely primarily on search engines such as Google to discover relevant content. As Scientia is fully open access, any visitor arriving at scientia.global can immediately access your work.
A major benefit of Scientia is the personal use element. We truly want your article to go further than being published in Scientia; we want this to become a valuable communication tool that can be used time and time again.
Having Scientia as a truly open and barrier free publication means your article will be read by many more people that our own direct audience.

Ready to publish with us?
Either talk to one of our publication managers, or click the button below to submit your topic for our editorial team to consider.