Whether you want to initiate collaboration at conferences, create an educational resource for workshops, recruit new lab members or reach out to potential investors, we have a dedicated team who will create a beautifully written and well-designed outreach brochure that will help you with your personal objectives.



We have taken away the pain of working with a PR agency whose poor understanding of your research means that you end up doing most of the work. Our unique 5-step editorial production process alleviates stress and time commitments, as our dedicated and experienced production team will write, edit and design the article from start to finish. From our Editor-in-Chief to our science writers and designers, our highly skilled team comprises a diverse mixture of academic and media professionals, who are dedicated to making science understandable and enjoyable. Rest assured that you have 100% approval over all work produced; we are very much working for you. 

We simply ask that you provide us with the most relevant background material describing your studies; these do not have to be written
from scratch and could comprise already available literature

We ask you to note any key aspects of your work that you want us to highlight; that way, we can tailor the piece to your personal goals and objectives

We then produce a written draft of the article; this is sent to you for review and approval

Our design team will then get to work on the illustrations and graphics for the article; we value your input, so if you have any personal images or logos that you want to include in the article, simply pass these over to our team and we will take care of the rest

We send the piece back to you for your 100% approval before completion

Production time
6-8 weeks
