Scientia have partnered with Edanz to help you prepare your article for publication

Special Offer: 10% discount on all services offered on this page.  Use code: SCIENTIA-10 

Gap/literature analyses (small)

Find a gap in the scientific literature for your next research project with Gap Analysis. We will perform a complete review of the published literature related to your given topic or theme of interest, and supplement it with insight and perspective from experienced research experts.

Published literature from the last 5 years.

  • Find the gap in the field, identify where you can make an impact
  • Ideal for planning your research direction
  • Comprehensive and insightful

Turnaround time

20 Days


From $15000

Gap/literature analyses (large)

DFind the gap in the scientific literature for your next research project with Gap Analysis. We will perform a complete review of the published literature related to your given topic or theme, and supplement it with insight and perspective from experienced research experts. Includes a proposed research concept.

Published literature from the last 10 years, reviews and systematic reviews from the last 20 years.

  • Find the gap in the field, identify where you can make an impact
  • Ideal for planning your research direction
  • Comprehensive and insightful

Turnaround time

25 Days



Publication plan development

Our publication team will develop a innovative plan to maximize the publication output of your research project. We will include a detailed Gantt chart, information about audiences, congresses, journals; article and content types related to your projects.

  • A clear plan on how to increase your publication count
  • Important for funding applications
  • Original articles, interim results, Reviews, Protocol papers, Hypothesis and Commentary papers
  • No salami slicing

Turnaround time

8 Days



Scientia have partnered with Edanz to help you prepare your article for publication

Special Offer: 10% discount on all services offered on this page.  Use code: SCIENTIA-10