Engineering & Computer Science

Spirometry 360:  Asthma Management  Gets an Upgrade

Spirometry 360: Asthma Management Gets an Upgrade

Dr Jim Stout and his multidisciplinary team at the University of Washington are on a mission to improve asthma care. Through novel training schemes, quality improvement methods and research into health disparities, these researchers are determined to reduce...

Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Honor Society

Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Honor Society

Founded in 1886 at Cornell University, Sigma Xi is an international community of scientists and engineers dedicated to promoting excellence in research, enhancing public engagement with science, and fostering the next generation of researchers. Here, we have had the...

Soapbox Science

Soapbox Science

Soapbox Science was founded as a public outreach platform for promoting women scientists and their research. Now in its seventh year, Soapbox Science takes female scientists out of the lab and onto the streets, to talk to the passing, unsuspecting public about...

The European Southern Observatory

The European Southern Observatory

The European Southern Observatory (ESO), is an intergovernmental organisation that facilitates astronomy and astrophysics research. Since its creation in 1962, ESO has provided scientists with the world’s most powerful ground-based telescopes in its host state of...

The Square Kilometre Array: The World’s Largest Radio Telescope

The Square Kilometre Array: The World’s Largest Radio Telescope

Comprising thousands of radio dishes and up to a million antennae, the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will be the world’s largest radio telescope. Referred to as the next generation of radio telescope, this instrument will be tens of times more sensitive and hundreds of...

Kimberly Kowal Arcand – Somewhere, Outside The Rainbow

Kimberly Kowal Arcand – Somewhere, Outside The Rainbow

NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory orbits high above the earth, beaming back images of the high-energy universe impossible to obtain from the ground. Bringing this data to the world is Kimberly Arcand, Visualisation Lead for the project. Here we go into detail on some...

Dr Merritt N. Deeter – Measuring How The Earth Exhales

Dr Merritt N. Deeter – Measuring How The Earth Exhales

Atmospheric Scientist Dr Merritt Deeter at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado and his colleagues work with satellite data from NASA to measure levels of carbon monoxide and other pollutants released into the atmosphere around the...

Breezometer – One, Two, Three, Breathe

Breezometer – One, Two, Three, Breathe

Air pollution has been a growing world problem, amplified by the ever increasing number of people and their consumption patterns. Now, technological progress and big data have merged to enable environmental scientists and engineers at BreezoMeter to address the...

The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory

The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory

On the 14th of September 2015 scientists at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory observed ripples in the fabric of spacetime for the very first time. These ripples, known as gravitational waves, arrived at Earth from a cataclysmic event in the...

The Small Business Administration

The Small Business Administration

Small businesses are the creators of jobs and the driving force behind the US economy. Recognising this truth, the US government established the Small Business Administration (SBA) in 1953 in order to help Americans start and develop their own small businesses. As...